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andrea is a very determined individual. she tends to put all her effort into something, or none at all. she is a bit of a perfectionist, and likes things done in a certain way, meaning to her standards (which are usually very high). she loves chatime bubble tea, decorating/organizing, getting excited for seasons and holidays way too early (even though it's never too early to start listening to christmas music) and sunshine. she hates when people do not use soap to wash their hands, washroom door handles that make you pull when you're inside, and wasting time (which she does very often).



fion is probably the least creative out of the six, but always tries her best to come up with an idea that somebody else hasn't already come up with. she loves to sing, or really just anything that has to do with music. she hates everything that is related to math (because it's her weakest ability), and if you ever see her crying, it probably has something to do with math. she is also one of the shortest people you will meet (considering her age), but she definitely takes advantage of that. she loves chocolate and teddy bears, but unusually does not like pizza or fries. she has a big heart, which makes up for how small she is, and she will always try her very best to help others with anything they need. 

she is also a very emotionally sensitive person, and she'll cry from anything to a 20 second clip of a video, or listening to a song in the back of the car watching the sky rain. you won't ever catch her drawing in class, but you might be able to catch her writing song lyrics :)



kitty is always either squealing over some new Korean drama, or staring at a poster of k-pop stars. somehow, even with all the homework load, she finds time for shopping. if you are looking for her to do something important, your best shot will be either at Aberdeen or Sephora! she loves cloudy skies and rainy days because it's the easiest for her to fall asleep listening to the sound of rain drops against roof tops (you may or may not find her asleep during video lessons), she loves doing and trying things that are too old for her age (beer doesn't taste THAT bad), she's addicted to ramen and eggs but for some strange reason she dislikes ice cream and most types of candy. she can leave a mall without eating anything but she will most definitely not leave a mall without a shopping bag hanging from her arms! (oh, and, she probably knows more clothes brands better than she knows the english grammar)



kristina is always willing to step up to the task at hand. she loves her friends, family, and pet dog copper dearly. kristina is very creative and is very set in her ways. kristina is passionate about martial arts, music and chocolate cake. seriously. besides that, she has one of the biggest hearts of anyone you will ever meet. she would never intentionally hurt anyone and is a blessing to all around her.



nailah is very passionate about pretty much everything she sets her mind to. she sets unachievably high expectations for herself, is an advocate for individuality, and just wants world peace. nailah comes from a family of nine, is an aspiring chef, ballerina of ten years and absolutely loves playing and listening to music. additionally, she loves sunsets, happy people, pretty lights, miniature replicas, park benches, and concerts. her dislikes include litter, negativity, typos, and when people mix-up yams and sweet potatoes. nailah finds happiness in life's little joys and she draws her creativity from her experiences and loves to be of service to those around her.  



andrea c.

fion l.

kitty x.

kristina z.

nailah c.

sydney s.

one of sydney's least favourite things to do is talk about herself, which is humorous as that's exactly what she's doing. she loves acting, music, Netflix and sleep. she talks quite a lot, but only trusts very few people. she's not great at staying on task as she gets bored easily, so she tends to jump from one task to the next. she can be quite blunt on certain things, which sometimes makes her seem quite negative to others. however, she really enjoyed working with the people in this group and is happy and thankful for the opportunity. 

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